Sunday, December 18, 2016

down deep to my core

Years ago, I first heard Macklemore's, "Same Love," and I felt it down to my core. Nope, I'm not gay; I'm about as hetero as you can get, but I am also someone who believes deeply in others' rights, in the realization that people are born gay, in the belief that love is love.

I saw the video and heard the song, "Drug Dealer" a few months ago. Since Steve's addiction started that exact way, I feel that one deep down to my core, too.

Then, a few days ago on "Ellen", I saw his latest song, "Wednesday Morning," and yep, you guessed it, right down to my core.

Thank God that someone can write and sing songs that resonate with my soul - it is always comforting to know that someone understands my feelings. ♥

These are deep, deep thoughts. Important messages. Heavy. Oh so heavy.

So, here's one to lighten the mood. One that I love to listen to; ("Thrift Shop") it always puts a smile on my face. (Don't worry, it's the clean version :) )

♥ Melody

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