Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pictures of Christmas::Dec. 18

Over the course of this week, I bought an external flash for an upcoming photo shoot.... so of course I had to play with it a bit :)

I'm so glad that these people (and my other kiddos and grandkiddo too) are part of my life. And the two animals? They are some of the favorites from my menagerie.

One week to Christmas... let the countdown, begin!

My Christmas wishes for you this week are:

First of all, for your sanity while you are out shopping for last minute items.

Secondly, that you will find every item on your shopping list.

Third, this is for all of you crafters out there: that all of your last minute projects-to-be-made get crafted up all nice and easy like and no problems arise.

Forth, that somewhere in all of the last minute confusion you have a chance to sit down and PONDER. That you have a moment to think about the real Reason for the Season.

Fifth, and this will be mostly on Christmas day, that you notice that extra twinkle in your little one's eyes. I wish that the excitement of Christmas could always be as strong as it is in young childhood.

Have a wonderful week! (I'll be back with single pic, but probably mostly silent, posts this week :)

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