Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I was going through my pics to find an image for this post, and I found that Emily (the creator of The Singing Frog) had made this turkey. When I asked her about it, she said that she made it a few weeks ago. She graciously has allowed me to use it to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

12 Things I'm Thankful for:

1. My family. For all of the immediate family members, extended family members. The in-laws and out-laws. For all, I am truly thankful.

2. My home. Though I have countless projects that are unfinished, in need of repair or paint, my home keeps me warm, dry, and safe. Such a home would be considered a luxury for many in our world.

3. All of the modern day appliances that make my world run a little smoother and faster.

4. For vehicles that run and keep our family going.

5. For my farm animal critters. For home-grown eggs & meat. For the relaxing times I have watching the chickens scratch and peck. For the cute little bunnies that we get to raise. For my goats, even though they are naughty, because they are friendly and nice.

6. For land and soil that makes growing vegetables a pleasure. I have truly loved gardening this year.

7. For a loyal, good husband that I can trust and that I love dearly.

8. For wonderfully talented children that brighten my life with their lives. For their jokes, their artwork, their performances, for their smiles, and for their love.

9. That my parents are still alive. I will greatly miss them when they are gone. I am thankful to get to know them better every year.

10. For all of you wonderful blog friends. For the words of encouragement you give me and for listening to my joys, sorrows, and concerns.

11. For my family's health. You haven't got anything if you haven't got your health! This has probably been our busies year for doctor's visits and ER trips. I'm glad that most of the problems have been resolved and that we haven't had anything more serious.

12. For God. For the goodness that He blesses me with. For the trials that He lets me endure so that I can be stronger. For my knowledge that He loves me and knows me.



  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!!!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you too :) Love reading your blog. And I just realize that you tagged me ages ago. Heeee. I'll get right on it, I promise
